
What is the Difference Between Sterilization and Sanitization

When it comes to getting rid of harmful bacteria, the two most common methods are sterilization and sanitization. These two ways are not quite different but make a difference in almost every situation. The best way to understand these two methods is through learning their uses and definitions.

Cleaning is a part of our daily lives. Whether it’s keeping our environment clean or our bodies, staying hygienic is necessary to keep bacteria away. When it comes to keeping the body clean, we must take the necessary steps to ensure our body’s safety. Harmful bacteria can build up around our body parts unless we regularly practice good hygiene. Some of our body parts are more likely to produce sweat and humidity, which can cause microbes to build up and result in diseases. Our feet are one of those body parts. If you’re in shoes throughout your day, the chances are that your shoes would be home to millions of microbes. To stop that from happening, you must clean your shoes regularly.

When it comes to getting rid of harmful bacteria, the two most common methods are sterilization and sanitization. These two ways are not quite different but make a difference in almost every situation. The best way to understand these two methods is through learning their uses and definitions. That is why we have brought you a brief comparison between sterilization and sanitization.


Sterilization is a way to kill or stun all microorganisms in a place. This process is done using gas, various chemicals, or other substances to completely break down harmful microorganisms. Sterilization is done to prevent infections and to stop contagious diseases from spreading. The process is highly sensitive and aims to completely annihilate microbes that pose a threat. Medical equipment is usually sterilized pre-surgery to eradicate any risk of infections. Sterilization is done in crucial cases when microbes are dense in strength and must completely be killed. Researches have shown sterilization to be the most effective way of tackling bacteria.


Sanitization is a procedure that aims to limit the overall number of microorganisms that pose a threat. This procedure is most commonly heard and preferred in our daily lives. You might have heard about getting rid of 99.99% of bacteria. That is the most perfect and suitable example of sanitization. The purpose of this process is to gun down enough microbes such that their overall strength is no longer dangerous. Not every type of bacterium can be killed by sanitization. Sanitization is used mostly to keep daily life instruments clean so that the chances of bacteria growing are minimized. To sum it up, sanitization is used to reduce the degree of bacterial contamination.


The core difference between sanitization and sterilization is that sterilization aims to completely eliminate microbes, whereas sanitization aims to kill most microbes. So, how do you choose which method is best for you? That depends on the intensity of your problem. Let’s take the previously mentioned case of smelly shoes again. The bacteria that builds up in your shoes is extremely powerful due to your feet, spending most of your time in them. Therefore, the best way to keep your shoes clean and smelling nice is by completely getting rid of microbes. That is why the best way to sterilize your shoes is through an ozone sterilizer. Shoe Nurses offer a useful ozone sterilizer that gets the job done without any side effects! If you’re looking for the best possible way to eliminate odors, fungi, and humidity from your shoes, visit shoenurses.com right away and get a quote for free. Don’t settle for less by choosing sanitization for your shoes. Sterilizing them is the only answer!

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